Do Samoyeds do well with other dogs
Samoyeds generally get along very well with other dogs. They are friendly and love companionship whether that be people or other dogs. Samoyeds can be quite boisterous when playing and having a herding instinct may try to herd and control another dog. Sometimes that can annoy other dogs.
Aggression is not a common trait of the Samoyed but they can be protective of their owners in the presence of other dogs.
It is still important that your Samoyed is socialized with other dogs to allow them to learn the communication skills they will need. It is also recommended that you learn about dog body language so you know when you may need to intervene.
Are Samoyeds good with small dogs
As Samoyeds are generally very good with other dogs, playing with smaller dogs should not be a problem. The only thing to keep in mind is they can be boisterous and full-on.
It is a good idea to supervise the play and settle them if they are overpowering the smaller dog. This is not an aggressive thing, but rather the result of overexcitement.
How to socialize a Samoyed puppy
The easiest age for the socialization of a puppy is before 12 weeks of age. After 18 weeks of age, it becomes more difficult but by no means impossible.
It is possible to over socialize a puppy so it is important to introduce them to new experiences, people, and animals slowly. Socialization starts when they are still with their mother and siblings. This is the time when they learn they learn the social skills and rules of being a dog. The best puppy trainer in the world is the mother dog.
Tips to socializing a Samoyed puppy
Introduce your puppy to new experiences, sights, sounds, and smells. This is known as habituation. Examples of the type of thing to introduce your puppy to can include;
- New objects such as balloons, moving objects, the vacuum cleaner, etc
- Different surfaces such as grass, carpet, tiles, etc
- Different places such as the beach, park, markets, etc
- Traveling like going in the car.
- Different types of people of different genders, personalities, and ages.
- Introduce them to other animals including other dogs and cats. This can include friendly adult dogs and other puppies. Other options can be puppy training classes and doggie daycare. For more on doggie daycare pros and cons see here.
It is important to allow your puppy to make positive associations with these new experiences. This can be achieved by;
- Rewarding your puppy for engaging with the new experience, person, or animal by giving small treats, verbal praise, and pats.
- Be calm and confident yourself. If you are anxious, your puppy will pick up on this and think it is something to be wary of.
- Don’t force them to do anything they are not ready for. Allow them their space.
Baby steps are the best approach. Don’t introduce them to too much too quickly. This may make them feel overwhelmed. If they are unsure of something, allow them their space and time to adjust.
How to socialize an adult Samoyed
It is never too late to socialize a dog. It just may require a little more time and patience.
Slowly introduce your older Samoyed to new sights, smells, and sounds, with careful supervision and an emphasis on a positive association. The process for socializing an adult Samoyed is similar to that of a puppy.
It is all about building their confidence, not overwhelming them, and making it a positive experience.
Samoyeds as part of a multi-dog household
If you are thinking of adding a Samoyed to your household with an existing dog or dogs, this should be no problem. However, it is important to establish yourself as a strong leader and set the rules. This is particularly crucial when it comes to feeding. Some guidelines for managing a household of two or more dogs are;
- Ensure all your dogs receive the right amount of exercise and mental enrichment they require. Unreleased pent up energy can lead to fight or behavior issues. For a guide to Samoyed exercise see here. If the other dogs in the household are of a different breed see here for a guide to their exercise needs.
- Supervise feeding time. Each dog should have their own bowl and not share. The dogs will quickly learn which is their bowl and understand the rules to mealtime.
- Ensure all the dogs receive equal attention and don’t have favorites. This will help to prevent any jealousy developing. Samoyed can tend to want to hog the attention and fuss.
Dog body language when greeting
Before putting your Samoyed and yourself in situations where they will be meeting new dogs you should know the common signals and body language.
This way you will be aware of any potential issue before the meeting. It will also help you to know the difference between play and aggression.
Signs of a polite and friendly meeting are;
- Approach other dogs in an arc.
- They meet side on. Dogs that meet head-on is not good.
- Move slowly and calmly.
- Avoid eye contact.
- May sniff other dogs rear.
- Soft eyes, ears, tails, and bodies.
Warning signs of potential trouble are;
- Staring at the other dog
- Hackles are up
- One dog standing with his head and neck over the other dog’s neck or shoulders in a “t” position
- Walking around the other dog with
- Legs stiff
- Neck arched
- Tail held high
When dogs are playing it can be difficult to know if it is just fun or things are getting out of hand. These signs show that they are playing and not aggression.
- Play bows (front legs outstretched, hind quarter up) – as in the photo above.
- Bark or high-pitched growl. Play growling sounds different from aggressive growling.
- A balance between being on top and being on the bottom.
- Mouth open when play biting.
- Hackles aren’t up.
- Dogs stop and start again.
- Movement is side to side rather than moving forward.
- Relaxed, loose bodies.
Signs of dog aggression
Samoyeds are not, in general, an aggressive dog. Every dog is an individual and some Samoyeds may be aggressive which is true of any breed of dog. This is not so much a trait of the breed. It is more likely the result of past experience or poor training.
We have looked at what a good greeting looks like above. It is also important to be aware of signs of tension, dominance, and aggression in dog body language. This is not a full list of aggression dog body language but it can include:-
Hackles are up – Hackles are patches of hair between the shoulder blades or near the rear end of the dog. if they are standing up it is a sign of aggression.
Ears and tail are erect – if the ears or tail are standing straight up it is a sign of aggression. It is also thought that if the tail (or nub if docked) is wagging the dog is happy. This is not always true. If the tail is wagging in a stiff motion while be held high it is a sign of aggression.
Bearing teeth – Showing teeth by raising their lips is a warning sign. It is often followed by a snap or bite. Most dogs will do an air snap rather than a full-on bite. This is a further warning to let the other dog know the next one is for real.
Growling – a deep growl or snarl usually with eye conduct focused on the other dog. All growling is not necessarily aggressive and many dogs use a play growl when playing. This has a completely different tone. Continuous barking without gaps is a similar sign of aggression.
Stiff body posture – A dog will become noticeably rigid and stiff in their body when they’re becoming agitated. They may stand in a wider stance than normal or try to raise the height of their head and body. They will have their eyes focused on their target.
Summary – Samoyeds and other dogs
Samoyeds are social, like most dog breeds, and do enjoy the company of other dogs. In general, they get along well with other dogs as long as they have been socialized well and had good training.
Samoyeds can be quite boisterous when playing and having a herding instinct may try to herd and control another dog. Sometimes that can annoy other dogs. With good early socialization and learning to play well this should not be an issue.