How close are dogs to wolves?

How close are dogs to wolves? Pretty close. In fact, your average dog shares more genetics with a wolf than a Great Dane shares with a chihuahua (if you don’t like comparing breeds, just assume that the smaller the dog is, the less of its genetic makeup comes from wolves — i.e., it’s more likely to be its own breed). This means that more than 90% of your average golden retriever’s genetics come from wolves.

Dogs and wolves may not look the same, but they share many similarities. If you take a closer look at dogs and wolves, you will find that they are very close in history, behavior, anatomy, and even genetics. It’s also common knowledge that domestic dogs evolved from Eurasian grey wolves at some point 10,000 years ago. However, did this happen? How similar is a dog’s DNA to a wolf’s?

How close are dogs to wolves?

How Wolves Evolved into Dogs

It is widely believed that dogs are descendants of the grey wolf, but the details of this process are not entirely clear. Scientists have developed

competing for hypotheses to explain how wolves evolved into dogs.

Typical explanations involve some combination of the following elements:

  1. Domestication by humans, possibly before 32,000 years ago;
  2. The development of proto-dogs from a wolf-like ancestor (as a result of wolf domestication) thousands of years ago;
  3. Dogs and wolves diverged in their evolutionary path after domestication, with dogs retaining more youthful traits and abilities than their wild counterparts;
  4. The two species’ divergence is so recent that it has not been possible to determine whether or not there is a separate species for the dog. The dog was the first domesticated animal and has been widely kept as a working, hunting, and pet companion animal by humans for more than 10,000 years.

Genetic studies indicate that experts crated most breeds within the last 150 years, systematically attempting to enhance useful traits in Victorian times. Since then, dogs have gone through a rapid phenotypic change, and people bred them as working animals [] (e.g., shepherd dogs) or shows (e.g., conformation shows).

The Similarities in DNA

Dogs and wolves share the same DNA, according to new genome analysis. The two species have 30,000 years of evolution between them, but there is just a 1.2% difference between their genes. The findings suggest that dogs were domesticated from grey wolves less than 15,000 years ago.

Tests on modern canine DNA showed that dogs share more than 98.8% of their genetic code with humans. The modern dog is a subspecies of grey wolves [] and was selectively bred over thousands of years to produce its current appearance and behavior. Humans have selectively bred dogs for millennia to retain some aspects of their wolf ancestors’ behavior to remain functional members of human societies.

The big difference is domestication

The differences between dogs and wolves come from how early humans lived together with dogs. [] When dogs began living with humans and being domesticated, they became more cooperative and showed more human-like social behavior.

Humans may have positively selected for increased pro-sociality in canines. Alternatively, selection may have occurred through passive mechanisms (e.g., canines who were less fearful around humans would have been more successful at capturing prey).

What dog breeds are closely related to wolves?

Many dog breeds that you know of today are very closely related to wolves. Here are some of the most popular dog breeds that look like wolves.


Dalmatians are known to be great family pets. They are often used as carriage dogs, guard dogs, and for hunting. Dalmatians were used for these purposes because they can run fast, which is one of the traits they inherited from their ancestors, the wolves.


Dachshunds were used mainly by hunters in Germany to hunt badgers and other burrowing animals. They are great swimmers and can run very fast, so they were used for hunting purposes. Dachshunds were bred from German Hounds [] , which are very similar to wild dogs.


Poodles were originally bred in Germany, where they helped hunt waterfowl and even as gun dogs during wartime. Their coat helped to protect them from water while hunting and their small size made it easy for them to survive.

Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest dog breeds, with origins dating back to 4000 B.C. The Inuit people created it. They needed a large and powerful sledge-pulling dog capable of hauling heavy loads over long distances. The Siberian Husky originated in ancient times and was used by the Chukchi people living in Siberia as a sled dog; it is much smaller than the Alaskan Malamute but just as strong. It is still helpful today for pulling sleds today.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is another dog breed with a wolf-like appearance. The Shih Tzu breed was developed in China around 800 A.D.; these small dogs were bred as lapdogs for Chinese royalty and were bred exclusively by Buddhist monks for nearly 1,000 years. The Pekingese breed was created for companionship for Chinese nobles; it has a short muzzle that makes it almost incapable of barking and short legs that make it quick on its feet when necessary.

Other breeds that may have some genetic heritage from wolves include the Akita Inu, Alaskan Malamute, American Eskimo Dog, Australian Shepherd, Basenji, Belgian Malinois, Beauceron, Berger Picard (French herding dog from eastern France), Black Russian Terrier (also known as the Tchiorny Terrier), Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czech Republic), Doberman Pinscher, Finnish Spitz (Nordic dog breed) and others.

Differences in Physical Features

Dogs are not wolves. They have physical features that have changed over time due to domestication. For example, dogs do not have that characteristic “smile” on their faces and floppy ears. These features are not present on grey wolves. They also have smaller teeth than wolves do.

Jaws: Wolves have very strong, pronounced jaws that can crush bones and sinew, which is why they can kill animals much larger than themselves. Dogs have weaker jaws with no tooth sharpness ability because they are meant to rip and tear meat, not bones or sinew. Wolves also have larger paws in regards to length and height.

Paws: Wolf paws act like snowshoes for agility on the snow; however, dogs’ paws are much less effective at this. The fur of a dog’s paw is very soft, whereas the hair of wolves’ paws is much stiffer, acting as an extra layer of insulation from the cold.

Fur: The fur of a dog’s paw is very soft, whereas the hair of a wolf’s paw is much stiffer, acting as an extra layer of insulation from the cold. The claws on a dog are also typically less sharp than those of a wolf.

Hearing: Both dogs and wolves have excellent hearing, but a wolf’s hearing is far more sensitive than a dog’s. In addition, they can hear sounds that are four times higher than humans’ upper limit of hearing.

Size: A wolf can be up to six feet long from snout to tail, while a domestic dog typically ranges from 15 to 24 inches long. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, with some breeds growing as big as small ponies or even larger. Wolves generally weigh between 50 and 75 pounds, with males being heavier than females. Some large breeds of dog can reach over 100 pounds,

Observable Similarities

Sense of smell

The noses of dogs and wolves have similar scent detection capabilities, which is why both species perform well in search-and-rescue operations. Despite their strange similarities, there are a few differences between the two animals’ sense of smell.

The sense of smell (olfaction) is one of the most important senses for wolves and dogs. It allows them to communicate with each other and hunt prey animals efficiently. Both species have a heightened sense of smell compared with humans. They can detect odors in parts per trillion, while humans can only detect odors in parts per million.

Superior night vision

To know how close dogs are to wolves, we should look at their night vision. Both dogs and wolves have a superior night vision than other mammals. Their eyes are packed with more rods than cones, which help them see in pitch darkness. This is why they can easily track down the prey even in the darkest conditions. They have gathered vital information about their surrounding through their excellent night vision.

The animals have a large number of rod cells that help them capture any kind of light in their surroundings, including a faint one, while people mostly rely on cone cells for recognizing colors and shapes needed for navigating in an environment that is well lit. Although humans have better color recognition, dogs and wolves can distinguish between different shades of grey that allow them to differentiate between the color of their prey and surrounding elements such as leaves or tree trunks.

Dogs are nearly as smart as wolves

Dogs are nearly as smart as wolves but have evolved to suit their new way of life. There has been a long-standing debate about whether dogs’ minds are “as good” as those of wolves. Now research suggests the canine brain has developed a unique network of connections between neurons that may be more efficient than [] the complex wiring in the brain of its wild cousins. Dogs’ domestication may have caused some aspects of their behavior to change, such as their social structure, but they have not lost any of the basic functions that are important for intelligence.

Overall, dogs are nearly as intelligent as wolves and hence can be said to have inherited similar cognitive skills. In one study, dogs solved more complex problems that required the animals to flex their bodies into positions that seemed uncomfortable for canines. Dogs were able to move into contorted positions to slide food around barriers toward themselves so that they could eat it. This suggested that dogs can make inferences about how their bodies work in space.

Dogs are nearly as fast as wolves

According to new data, dogs are nearly as fast as wolves when it comes to taking down prey. And when on the hunt, dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell, the research suggests. Dogs were found to be just as fast as wolves at chasing and killing prey — even though they do it with a more laid-back approach than wolves. And in tests where dogs and wolves were given a choice between following their noses or going for blindingly quick sprints, they opted for sniffing almost every time.

Tests involving the two species showed that wolves could run at about 75 km per hour [] , and dogs reached speeds of about 50 km per hour. Major differences were seen in the tail and shoulder muscles of the animals.

According to researchers, wolves have much stronger tail muscles than dogs, which aid in balance while running. Wolves also have more robust shoulder muscles than dogs, which are key for sprinters because they allow animals to use their forelimbs to help propel themselves forward, similar to how humans use their arms and legs when running.

Hunting characteristics

Dogs have similar hunting characteristics to wolves, but they have been bred over a long period to have characteristics that make them more desirable as pets. Dogs and wolves are both predators, but dogs are mostly scavengers while wolves eat live prey.

Dogs and wolves are both social predators who hunt in packs. Wolves hunt larger prey, such as moose, deer, and even bears, while dogs typically hunt smaller animals like rabbits or rodents. Modern dogs also hunt in packs, just like wolves do.

Wolves are carnivores with sharp teeth designed for tearing flesh from their prey. Their teeth never stop growing, so they must chew on bones and other hard objects to keep them short. They can also eat large amounts of food because their bodies digest food slowly due to their low-calorie diet of meat. Wolves’ coats are thick, protecting them from the elements when hunting in cold weather. Because of these physical characteristics, wolves make good hunters.

Takeaway: Dogs are related to wolves, but their behaviors and training is different.

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