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What to do with your Japanese Spitz while at work
There are times in our busy modern lives when our Japanese Spitz can not be with us. This may be for short periods of time or longer periods such as when you are at work.
If you think your Japanese Spitz can’t be left alone or isn’t really to be home alone while you are at work, there are many other options you can consider. Here are potential things you can do with your Japanese Spitz while at work or out for extended periods of time.
Doggy Daycare
Taking your dog to doggie daycare may be a good option if your dog is creating problems being left home alone such as barking all day or destroying everything. They may also suit dogs that suffer from some form of separation stress or anxiety.
To learn more about doggie daycare as an option for your Japanese Spitz see here.
Leave your Japanese Spitz with friends or family
If you have any friends or family you can leave your dog or puppy with while you are at work it would be ideal.
Hire a pet minder
There are many good pet sitting services that can either visit or stay with your dog. Alternatively, some pet sitters will take your dog into their own homes.
Take your Japanese Spitz to work
More and more workplaces and offices are becoming pet-friendly and will allow you to take your dog to work. Many employers are adopting this policy due to the many benefits having pets at work have shown to have.
If you are lucky enough to work in a company that has a pet-friendly policy it would be a good option.
Mix of options
Perhaps a mixture of several options would be best for your dog and you. You may choose to take your dog to doggie daycare a couple of days a week and leave them at home on the other days. Doggie daycare is fun for your dog but for some dogs going every day may become overwhelming.
Or you could leave your dog home alone and arrange for a pet minder or someone you know to pop in your a visit and spend time with them. If you work for a company with a pet-friendly policy doesn’t mean you have to take your dog every day. Maybe you can take your Japanese Spitz to work some days and take them to doggie daycare or leave them at home on other days.
You can choose any combination of options that are best suited for your dog and yourself.

Can Japanese Spitz be left alone
Yes, Japanese Spitz can be left home alone as long as they are well trained to be alone and have everything they need. However, they are a breed that doesn’t really like to be left alone for too long.
The Japanese Spitz are very family and people orientated. They will become bored or even anxious if left without company and ways to stay occupied for too long.
Japanese Spitz can be a little mischievous and if bored you may come home to a little chaos and destruction. They may also resort to barking all day upsetting the neighbors.
If you are wanting to leave your Japanese Spitz home alone it is best to prepare in advance. You should take the time to train them on being alone (for more see below). It is important to ensure that they have everything they need including plenty of ways to stay occupied. You may also want to consider confining them to a selected area.
How long can you leave a Japanese Spitz home alone
Ultimately, how long you can leave an adult Japanese Spitz alone really depends upon the individual dog. For a confident, well-behaved Japanese Spitz that it is used to being alone, all day while you are at work is no problem. The absolute maximum length of time should not be more than 12 hours.
For a Japanese Spitz that has anxiety about being left alone the shorter the time alone the better. If your Japanese Spitz is a little misbehaved and you don’t want to come home to a bomb site confinement in a smaller space may be needed. See below for more on confining a Japanese Spitz when home alone.
How long can you leave a Japanese Spitz puppy alone
A Japanese Spitz puppy does need more attention and care than an adult dog over 12 months old. Puppies need three or four meals a day and to go toilet more often. They also need more attention and social contact. This is crucial for them to form a bond and connection with you.
They have recently left their mother and siblings and everything is new to them. It is an important time in their development.
Ideally, a young Japanese Spitz puppy should only be left home alone for short periods of time – no longer than 2 to 3 hours at a time.
Training a Japanese Spitz to be home alone
All dogs should be able to be alone some of the time. Ideally, it should be something you teach your dog from a puppy. However, you can teach an older dog to like being alone or at least tolerate it.
Start by leaving your dog or puppy in their confined area such as a playpen or selected room for between 30 minutes and an hour each day. They will gradually learn how to be alone and also come to the understanding that you always return.
Make this time alone pleasant for them by ensuring they have everything they need. This will include food, water, and toys. Toys that can occupy them such as a Kong for dogs or a puzzle toy are best. Alternatively, give them a chew toy.
Practice leaving your Japanese Spitz alone when you are there. Even when you are home you can practice alone time for your dog. Put them if their confinement space such as a playpen or selected room and get on with doing your own thing without them around.
Keep leaving and returning low key. For your dog to be calm and comfortable about being home alone they must see that it is not a big deal. When leaving a simple “bye and be good” is sufficient. Making a big fuss with lots of kisses and cuddles will send your dog the wrong message. Dogs are masters at reading our energy and emotions.
Separation anxiety in Japanese Spitz
Although most Japanese Spitz can adapt to being home alone, some can suffer from anxiety and stress. Japanese Spitz are very social and like the company of people. Separation anxiety is a general term used to describe this. However, true separation anxiety is a condition when the dog is in a state of extreme panic and anxiety. There is a high risk of them hurting themselves in this situation.
Although this is not that common it is a condition that needs to be dealt with by a professional dog behaviorist.
What most dogs that don’t want to be left alone suffer from is separation stress or isolation anxiety or stress. A separation issue is that the dog doesn’t want to be away from a certain person or group of people. An isolation issue is more a case of them not wanting to be alone. They will be happy with the company of any other person.
To learn more about anxiety in dogs left alone see here.
Confining a Japanese Spitz while home alone
One of the first things to take into consideration when leaving your Japanese Spitz home alone is where they will be kept. If your Japanese Spitz is well behaved and you trust them not to get up to no good you can give them the run of the house. Otherwise, you may want to restrict them to a small area. Options for confining your Japanese Spitz include;
Crate confinement
Crating a dog is like a den for them and can make them feel safe. A crate is only really suitable for a short period of time. If you are going to be out for an hour or two putting your Japanese Spitz in a crate is fine. I don’t recommend leaving them in a crate for more than four hours at the absolute most.
Using a playpen is a good way of keeping your dog confined while giving them more space to play. Ensure you use a crate that your Japanese Spitz can’t escape from. You can even set up their crate in the playpen or attach to the outside of the puppy pen so they have a safe area if they are feeling anxious. For more information on confining a dog in a playpen see here.
Room confinement
You can confine your Japanese Spitz to a small pet-safe room. The best places for a confinement area are the kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, or an empty spare room. If the selected room doesn’t have a door that can be closed you can use a pet gate to keep your dog in.
Garage or basement
A garage or basement can be a good space to confine your dog when home alone, but ensure that you remove any potential hazards that may be toxic or cause harm to your dog.
Outside in yard
If you have a fully fenced secure backyard you can keep your Japanese Spitz outside while at work. I don’t really recommend leaving a Japanese Spitz outside when you are not there, The main concerns would be the weather is too hot or cold, them escaping and the potential of your dog being stolen.
What your Japanese Spitz needs while home alone
Before leaving your Japanese Spitz home alone, ensure they have everything they need. Some of the items your Japanese Spitz may need include;
- Food and water
- Bedding and blankets
- Safe Space (see confining a Japanese Spitz above)
- Toilet area – potty pads or grass dog toilet
- Toys and other ways to occupy them.
For more about what a home alone dog will need check out Complete guide to leaving a dog home alone
Monitoring your Japanese Spitz when home alone
If your Japanese Spitz is going to be alone for an extended period of time it is a good idea to check up on them during the day. There are two ways you can do this.
Arrange visitors
Arrange to have a neighbor, friend, or family member pop in for a visit to check how your Japanese Spitz is going and to give them some company. Even if you are unable to have somebody check up on your dog it is often a good idea to speak to your neighbors and give them a contact number if there are any concerns.
If you are able to pop in yourself during your lunch break your Japanese Spitz will be pleased to see you. Alternatively, there are many pet minding services that can provide this service for you.
Monitor them with a pet camera
With a pet camera, you can check in with your dog and even have direct interaction with them. Many pet cameras have two communication so you can speak to your dog. They also have a microphone and can send notifications to your phone if your dog is barking. Other dog cameras can provide even more interaction including giving your dog a treat. For the best pet camera for dogs see here.
Important tip for leaving a Japanese Spitz home alone
Exercise, both physical and mental is essential for a dog to burn off pent-up energy and to prevent boredom. A tired dog is less lightly to get up to no good while you are gone. They are more likely to sleep for much of the day.
If your schedule allows take them for a walk before leaving. This will also give them the opportunity to toilet before being shut up inside for the day. Alternatively, play a game of fetch or similar to help tire them a little before you leave.
Even if you don’t have time to exercise your dog before leaving for the day it is still important that they do get their required exercise. For a guide to exercise for a Japanese Spitz see here.
How to entertain a Japanese Spitz home alone
Provide ambient noise
Leave a radio on to provide background noise for your Japanese Spitz. This not only provides them company but also helps to mask outside noises that may make them excited or scared such as car horns, noisy neighbors, and even thunder.
You can even get music that is designed to be calming and soothing for dogs. Alternatively, leave the television on. Some dogs really do enjoy watching television especially if there are dogs for them to watch. If your dog is interested in watching a bit of TV consider leaving it on for them. Maybe a good dog movie or Animal Planet may make good viewing for them.
Puzzle toys
Japanese Spitz are smart and need to have their mind challenged. Interactive puzzle toys are one of the best ways to provide mental stimulation and enrichment for your dog.
These generally involve your dog having to work out how to get a treat or food stuffed inside out and can keep your dog busy for a long time. For the best puzzle toys for dogs see here.
Dog Toys that move
There is a range of dog toys that shake, rattle, roll, vibrate, and make a variety of intriguing sounds. Many of these are self-activated. All your dog has to do is touch the toy with their paw or nose and away it goes. Many Japanese Spitz love these types of toys as they relate directly to their natural chase instinct.
One of my top picks of moving dog toys is the Wicked Ball. The magic ball runs and bounces all by itself and the LED light adds another level of engagement for your dog. No App or remote controller required.
It has several settings such as the Intelligent Companion mode. In this mode, the Wicked ball has 10 minutes of play and 30 minutes of rest. If your dog pushes or hits the ball it starts the play cycle again. It also has three reaction modes (gentle, normal, active) so you can set it to suit your dog’s mood. Due to its obstacle avoidance system (collision sensor), it doesn’t get stuck in tight spots.
The Wicked ball is durable and dog safe and is also waterproof so it can be played with when swimming. It also has a treat hole for dogs that are food motivated.
View the Wicked Ball on Amazon.
To learn more about dog toys that move on their own see here.
Dog enrichment box
To make an enrichment box you simply need a larger cardboard box, some smaller boxes, empty toilet rolls, and newspaper. Put treats the toilet rolls, smaller boxes or wrap in newspaper and fill the box up. You can also put in a chew toy or stuffed Kong so they have something to settle done with when they are finished.
You may have a mess of shredded paper to clean up. But what are a few minutes of tidying for hours of fun and enrichment for your dog?
Watch the video to see how to make an enrichment box for your Japanese Spitz.
For more ways to occupy and entertain your dog when home alone see here.
Summary – Japanese Spitz home alone
The Japanese Spitz is very people orientated and loves human company. Generally, they don’t like to be left alone for too long. However, by providing them the right training to be alone they will come to accept and not be stressed during these home alone times.
It is also important that you provide everything they will need in your absence including plenty of ways to keep them occupied. Ensure that when you are home you give them plenty of love and attention. And don’t forget the importance of and exercise to keep them healthy and a little tired when you have to be gone.
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