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Are Dachshunds better in pairs
Should Dachshunds be in pairs? Is it better to have two Dachshunds? The answer to both questions is yes in most cases. Dogs are social animals. Dachshunds, in particular, crave the company and companionship of people and other animals.
Every dog is an individual and some Dachshunds may prefer to be the only dog in the home. Dachshunds do like attention and some may get jealous if they have competition for affection and attention.
Other dogs who do have fellow dog companions would be devastated if their friend was no longer around. Ultimately, it does depend upon the individual dog.

Is it better to have two Dachshunds
Dachshunds are a breed that needs company and companionship. They are just as happy with human or dog companionship. However, with our busy modern lifestyles, we are not always around to give them the company they require.
In this situation, getting a second Dachshund or dog for your existing Dachshund is often a good idea. This is as long as you don’t mind the extra work, financial cost, and resposibility.
It is often best to introduce a second Dachshund once the first one is settled. Getting two Dachshunds or dogs at the same time can lead to what is known as litter mate syndrome.
What is litter mate syndrome
Litter mate syndrome is when two litter mates become so bonded to each other that they have no interested in anything else including their owners.
This affects their development and can lead to behavior issues, difficulty with training, and fear of other people and dogs. As they become older they may even become aggressive towards each other and fight. It does tend to be more common with two females.
Dogs don’t actually have to be siblings from the same litter for littermate syndrome to occur. Not all siblings will develop this syndrome. In many cases, siblings will live perfectly happily together without this issue. It is just something to be aware of if you are considering getting two Dachshunds together.
What is the best age and gender to get a second Dachshund
Ideally, it is best to get a second Dachshund or dog when the first one is at least 8 to 12 months old. Anywhere between 8 months and 5 years is good. This way the older Dachshund or dog is still young and active enough to play. They will also be old enough to be a role model and make training the new dog easier.
If your current Dachshund as behavior issues, getting a second dog will not help to fix them. In fact, it is more likely that you will end up with two dogs with behavior issues.
When it comes to what gender the second Dachshund should be, two males are generally better than two females. Raising two females together can lead to fighting once they become mature. This is less likely with two males.
A male and a female Dachshund often do well together. However, you must take into consideration whether to have them desexed. Having a male that is not neutered in the home with a female on heat can be difficult. They will need to be separated during this time.
Obviously, you can have one or both desexed. Dachshunds are prone to back issues and having them desexed too young is said to increase the risk. Your vet would be able to provide advice regarding this.
This is another reason why an age gap between the original and second Dachshund or dog is a good idea.
What is a bonded pair of Dachshunds
The term bonded pair comes from the dog rescue world. It refers to a pair of Dachshunds or dogs that have developed a very close and tight relationship.
Dachshunds are a breed that does tend to form a bonded pair with another Dachshund or dog. If they were to be separated for some reason it is likely to lead to the remaining dog developing depression.
If you are considering adopting a Dachshund that is part of a bonded pair, both dogs do need to go to the same home.
Lonely Dachshund dog symptoms and signs
If your Dachshund is lonely or has anxiety their behavior and mood will show this. Dachshunds are a very social breed and they enjoy the company of people and other animals whenever possible. A dog that is not receiving an adequate amount of social interaction can become bored, frustrated, lonely, and even depressed.
These are some of the signs that your Dachshund may be craving more company and companionship.
Destructive Behavior
If you find yourself returning home to a scene of destruction and mess it is a good sign that your dog is bored and lonely while you are out.
Toileting Mishaps
If your normally well toilet trained dog starts going toilet in the home when you are not home it is often a sign that they are lonely. Be sure that this change in behavior is not a medical issue.
Nuisance barking and howling
If your neighbors are complaining that your Dachshund has been barking and howling all day while you were out, it is a sure sign that your dog is lonely and frustrated. Your dog is clearly calling out for attention from anybody who is listening.
Low energy levels and no appetite
If your dog’s energy levels seem down and they are not eating as much as normal it can be a sign that they are sad and lonely. Once again, eliminate any health issues.
Aggressive Behavior
If your normally friendly dog is becoming snappy or aggressive it also may be a sign that they are unhappy and lonely. Ensure that this aggression is not the result of a medical issue.
Signs of Anxiety
If your normally well-adjusted dog is showing signs of anxiety it may indicate that they are sad and lonely, even depressed. This may include behaviors such as a loss of interest in playing, excessive licking especially the paws or are showing avoidance behavior and hiding.
To learn more about lonely dog symptoms and solutions see here.
Should I get a second Dachshund or dog
You may be thinking about getting a second Dachshund or even a dog of another breed to keep the first company. This may be a good idea, but it is a serious decision.
You do need to do the necessary research to ensure it is the right decision for you, your current dog, and any new dog that you are bringing into the home.
Before getting a second dog to keep the first company it is important to weigh up the pros and cons of your potential decision.
It is important that you make the right situation and discuss it fully with the family or anyone that the decision may affect. If it doesn’t work out it can be heartbreaking to have to rehome one of the dogs later.
For more information on whether too get a second dog see here.
Reasons to get a second dog
- Playmate and company for your current dog.
- May help your dog if they have any separation anxiety or suffer from isolation stress.
- Twice the fun and love to give and enjoy.
- Provide a home for a dog in need, especially if you are adopting a dog from a rescue shelter.
- Training can be easier with the second dog. In part because you have experience from your first dog and in part because they learn from each other.
- They can help burn energy off each other. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to exercise your dogs just because you have two.
Why you should not get a second dog
- Financial cost. There are many costs to owning a pet such as food, vet bills or pet insurance, grooming, licensing or registration fees and so on. Also, you have to take into account the cost of boarding as this will be double if you go on vacation.
- Increased cleaning. Dogs can make a mess not to mention the fur they leave around the house. Two dogs can make twice the mess. Not to mention that they will produce twice the poo to clean up.
- The risk they don’t get along. With a new dog in the home, there is the potential for competition over resources such as food and toys. You will need to make a plan for the introduction of the new dog to avoid these potential problems. Many dog trainers recommend that your second dog is of the opposite gender to your current one. This will lessen the potential of them fighting. I had three male dogs at one stage and there was never any problems, but it is important to set the rules and boundaries from the start.
- If the new dog you are getting is going to be a puppy you will go through all the work such as potty training and so that you did with your first dog.
- May make any behavior issues with your current dog worst. If your dog has behavior issues such as barking, aggression or destructive behavior this will be a case of double trouble.
- If you have other pets such as a cat, a second dog may make life a little more stressful for them.
This video is a good explanation of some of the issues that may arise when getting a second dog from a dog trainers point of view.
Introducing a second Dachshund or dog
Introducing your Dachshund to a new dog in the home is a crucial time. If done right it will set the scene for a harmonious relationship between the two. If done wrong it can lead to ongoing issues and problems between the two.
These suggestions will help to make the whole process run smoother.
Ideally, it is best to introduce your new puppy or dog to the existing one on neutral ground. Your home is the den of the existing dog and they may feel it is disrespectful for an outsider to suddenly appear.
This first meeting can be outside in the yard or at a park.
Their own areas
A new puppy should have their own crate and play pen. This will help with potty training and prevent them roaming the whole house. It will also make it easy to separate the two dogs if required.
Your existing dog should also have an area they can go to if they want to be left alone. Puppies can be a bit much for an older dog.
Supervise play time
Initially at least, all play time sessions should be supervised. this way they can be separated if needed. Play time should be a positive experience for both dogs. Provide toys and treats to keep the lay session fun.
Both dogs should have some of their own things. Be aware if your existing dog becomes possessive or territorial over their things.
Feed separately
If you have an older dog and the new dog is a puppy they will probably be eating different formulas. Also, many dogs can be territorial or food aggressive and this can lead to a fight.
You can feed them a small distance apart and supervise. Don’t allow either dog to move towards or eat from the other bowl. Alternatively, you can feed them on opposite sides of a door. This way they know the other one is their eating but there is a physical barrier to prevent issues.
Ideally, give the existing older dog their food first. Once they begin to eat you can give the new addition their bowl. This will help establish the existing older dog as higher in the pack hierarchy.
Socialize with other dogs
The two dogs will have each other for company. However, it is still crucial that they still do learn to socialize with other dogs. This is especially true for the new addition.
One on one time for each
It is important to spend time with each dog separately as well as together. Separate walks and playtime allow each dog to know they are still special. This will help prevent jealousy and rivalry for your attention.
Dachshund compatibility with other dogs
If you are considering getting a companion for your Dachshund, you may be thinking of getting a different breed. Dachshunds generally get along best with other small dogs or other Dachshunds.
This is not to say a Dachshund will not be fine with a large breed dog. Dachshunds often get along fine with breeds like Dobermans and Boxers. It is a case of finding an individual dog that has a compatible temperament and energy levels.
Dachshund compatible dog breeds
Every dog is an individual and their individual temperament and personality is just as important as what breed they are. These are some suggested breeds that are generally compatible with a Dachshund.
- Basset Hound
- Beagle
- Boston Terrier
- Boxer
- Dachshund
- French Bulldog
- Golden Retriever
- Labrador
- Miniature Schnauzer
Summary – Getting a second Dachshund or dog
Dachshunds are social and enjoy companionship. This can be either the company of people or other dogs. If you are unable to spend the time with your Dachshund that they would like, getting a second Dachshund or dog may be an option.
This is obviously a serious commitment and decision. We hope the information provided is helpful in helping you decide if this is right for you and your Dachshund.
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